
Join The Best Certified Network Defender Certification Program Offered By GIS Consulting

Dec 11, 2020
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Cyber Security
certified network defender certification

What Is A Certified Network Defender Certification?

 A certified network defender certification program is focused on creating a network administrator who has proper training to protect, detect and respond to any and all threats to the network. A network administrator is usually familiar with several other factors such as network components, traffic, performance as well as the utilisation, network topology, location of each system, security policy, and much more.

A certified network defender certification provides you the fundamental understanding of the true construct of the data transfer, network technology and  software technology, so that you can understand how the networks operate as well as understand what software is automated and how to analyse the subject material.

certified network defender certification is a skill based lab intensive program that is based on a job task analysis as well as cybersecurity education framework that is presented by the national initiative of cyber security education.

 Are you planning to get a certified network defender certification?

The main purpose of validation the skills attained by certified network defender certification is that it helps the network administrator foster resiliency and continuity of operations during any cyber attack to the networks.

In order to obtain a certified network defender certification one needs to get a passing score in the examination conducted. The examination consists of 100 questions that are in the format of  multiple choice questions. The exam is for the duration of 4 hours and the medium of test delivery is ECC EXAM. The prefix of the examination is 312-38.

To maintain a high integrity of the certified network defender certification examination conducted the questions in the examination are in the format of multiple choice questions. Each form is carefully analysed through proper beta testing. Using an appropriate sample group under the purview of a committee that are experts in the subject matter. This ensures that each of the examinations not only has academic rigor but also has the real work applicability.